Just look at the intent focus and attention to detail in that face!
I'd decided to check out Clay Casa's paint your own pottery studio with Areya. I thought it would be a good creative outlet for her since we've started this new homeschooling thing. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't got the best plans for her arts and crafts segment. I'd decided to check out their website first and while I was there found some great printable coupons. It sounded simple enough, so I printed off the coupons and we were on our way. The Mocha Moms group that I've been tagging along with were going as one of their outings. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to check it out. If I didn't like it, at least I'd have some adults to talk too!
It was just my luck that we arrived late and the other moms and their daughters were finishing up their projects. Areya found the piece of pottery that she wanted to paint right away, a mug with a kitten on it. I thought we should look around to see if there was something that I wouldn't mind displaying in my house. That didn't happen as Areya feels that (almost) being five years old entitles her to the right to make huge decisions, such as choosing her own greenware. Well, needless to say she got the mug with the kitten's head on one side and butt on the other. To promote the "big girl" syndrome even further with my daughter, the gentleman working in the shop escorted Areya over to a large display of colored tiles hanging on a nearby wall. "What colors would you like to paint your mug?" he asks her. I was completely booted out of any decision making on this project with that clever move. I immediately knew that my daughter had found the long awaited moment of creative independence that she'd longed for over the years. "Purple" she replied, "I want to paint my cat purple!" I couldn't resist one last attempt at trying to convince her to paint something that I could proudly display. A purple cat just wasn't in the cards for me. "Purple?" I said in an unsure tone. Hoping that she would pick up on my cue of blatant desperation. "Purple!" she confidently replied, and that was the end of that.
She took a seat and began painting away. I talked with the other moms for awhile until they left. Afterwards, I presented the gentleman that was working there with the coupon that I had. He informed me that I would have to paint a mug as well, as a condition of the coupon...COOL! I grabbed my mug and choose my own colors and went to work painting my master piece. Areya and I sat and talked about what we were going to use our mugs for, and how proud daddy was going to be of us, and had a great time. After we finished painting we turned them in to the gentleman so that they could be glazed and fired. We will be picking them up tomorrow and can't wait to see our finished work!
Clay Casa 502 Embassy Oaks Suite 107, San Antonio TX 78216